We live in little worlds.

Predictable worlds. What you see is what you get. 8-ball in the corner pocket. Rack 'em up, do it again. It’s Newton’s laws in motion, all angles and energy. It’s mathematics and nothing more.

But as the sun sets on the coalfields, out on the borders of the places people don't go, folks are experiencing oddities that don't seem to fit with what we know.

UFOs. Poltergeists. Demonic possession. Premonitions from interdimensional psychedelic entities. Thin places in the veil. A paranormal parade of highest strangeness in the lowest places. Old gods and ancient demons, names absent from the mouths of man for centuries, uttered once more in reverence over backwoods altars. Could it all be connected?

What if the truth lies beyond our predictable world, but closer than we think? Over our heads, under our feet. Maybe we only see what fits the rules we've chosen. Maybe it’s been in front of us the whole time. Deeper than we dream, darker than we imagine.